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"Three New Navy Ships – USS Reagan, Clinton, Obama

March 30, 2010

If you’re new to this site, we have tons of serious minded content. Today I’m taking a break and posting under our ‘Funny Stuff’ category.


Seeing it next to the Arizona Memorial really puts its size into perspective. ENORMOUS!

When the Bridge pipes ‘ Man the Rail’ there is a lot of rail to man on this monster: shoulder to shoulder, around 4.5 acres. Her displacement is about 100,000 tons with full complement.

Top speed exceeds 30 knots, powered by two nuclear reactors that can operate for more than 20 years without refueling
1. Expected to operate in the fleet for about 50 years
2. Carries over 80 combat aircraft
3. Three arresting cables can stop a 28-ton aircraft going 150 miles per hour in less than 400 feet

1. Towers 20 stories above the waterline
2. 1092 feet long; nearly as long as the Empire State Building is tall
3. Flight deck covers 4.5 acres
4. 4 bronze propellers, each 21 feet across, weighing 66,200 pounds
5. 2 rudders, each 29 by 22 feet and weighing 50 tons
6. 4 high speed aircraft elevators, each over 4,000 square feet

1. Home to about 6,000 Navy personnel
2. Carries enough food and supplies to operate for 90 days
3. 18,150 meals served daily
4. Distillation plants provide 400,000 gallons of fresh water from sea water daily, enough for 2,000 homes
5. Nearly 30,000 light fixtures and 1,325 miles of cable and wiring 1,400 telephones
6. 14,000 pillowcases and 28,000 sheets


The USS William Jefferson Clinton (CVS1) set sail today from its home port of Vancouver, BC.

The ship is the first of its kind in the Navy and is a standing legacy to President Bill Clinton ‘for his foresight in military budget cuts’ and his conduct while holding the (formerly dignified) office of President.

The ship is constructed nearly entirely from recycled aluminum and is completely solar powered with a top speed of 5 knots. It boasts an arsenal comprised of one (unarmed) F14 Tomcat or one (unarmed) F18 Hornet aircraft which, although they cannot be launched on the 100 foot flight deck, form a very menacing presence.

As a standing order there are no firearms allowed on board.

This crew, like the crew aboard the USS Jimmy Carter, is specially trained to avoid conflicts and appease any and all enemies of the United States at all costs.

An onboard Type One DNC Universal Translator can send out messages of apology in any language to anyone who may find America offensive. The number of apologies are limitless and though some may seem hollow and disingenuous, the Navy advises all apologies will sound very sincere.

In times of conflict, the USS Clinton has orders to seek refuge in Canada .


Details are as vague.

But don’t you worry……….he has a plan"

Ég held að þjóðhollum Bandaríkjamönum fari fjölgandi sem nenna ekki lengur að láta Obama, demókrata  og aðra skeggræðustjórnmálamenn stjórna sér lengur. Þeir skammast sín ekki fyrir Bandaríkin og eru ekki lengur hræddir við að segja það upphátt.

Ég held að svona þjóðarstolts hugsun vaxi fiskur um hrygg í heiminum. Það getur ekki allt gengið endalaust á afslætti og miðjumoði. 

Það er komið nóg af samræðustjórnmálum.

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1 Smámynd: Geir Magnússon

Ég man ekki eftir að hafa séð aðra eins þvælu á prenti.Þetta er eins og það sé samið af Rush Liambaugh blindfullum.

Það hlýtur einhver prakkari að hafa stolið mynd af Halldóri, sem venjulega skrifar af skynsemi og þekkingu.

Skömm að setja þetta á prent

Geir Magnússon, 20.9.2015 kl. 08:30

2 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

 Þetta á að vera er fyndið Geir og er það. 

Halldór Jónsson, 20.9.2015 kl. 20:06

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Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

verkfræðingur, flugdellukall, tennis-og badmintonspilari

-ekki góður í neinu af þessu-



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