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Demokratar missa sig

í Bandaríkjunum yfir batanum í efnahagsmálum í Janúar.Fleiri störf sköpuðust en nokkur bjóst við eða 240.000.Lægsta atvinnuleysi ímanna minnum meðal rómanskra og litaðra manna.

Wayne Allyn segir:

"Before I get to the embarrassment of the nasty, bitter State of the Union display by the Democratic Party, let me lead with great news.

First, the jobs front. Wednesday morning saw the release of ADP/Moody’s Analytics private payrolls report. New job creation exploded once again under President Trump. Businesses added 234,000 jobs in January versus an expected 185,000. Manufacturing added 12,000 jobs and construction 9,000 new jobs - in a traditionally slow month. WOW.

Secondly, the numbers from Trump’s State of the Union. Fox News had the biggest audience for a State of the Union in the history of cable news. The old record of 6.5 million viewers was smashed by smithereens by Trump with an astonishing 11.7 million viewers. It was also the highest rated presidential address of any kind in the history of cable news. 

Now to the reaction from viewers. CBS took an instant YouGov poll. Here are the amazing results. 

97 percent of Republican viewers liked Trump’s speech. 

72 percent of independents liked it.

Amazingly, 43 percent of Democrats liked it. 

Overall 75 percent of Americans approved of the speech. And a shocking 8 out of 10 felt President Trump was trying to unite the nation, rather than divide it. Two-thirds reported the speech made them feel proud. 

Which means anyone who isn’t a bitter, nasty, arrogant, hateful, Kool-Aid drinking socialist loved what they saw. Unfortunately, that leaves the entire Democrat Congress.

That’s why I report the Democratic Party committed political suicide on Tuesday night. Their response to Trump’s speech was out of bounds. It wasn’t normal. It was hateful. It was bizarre. Actually, in a word, it was “foreign.” The Democratic Party is now a foreign party in their own country. They no longer have any understanding of what people born in America think or feel.

It's perfectly fine to be respectfully opposed to the politics of one party or president. That's acceptable. That’s as American as apple pie. But that’s not what happened on Tuesday night. 

Democrats were outed as the party that is rooting for America's failure. Rooting against a booming economy. Rooting for misery, instead of prosperity. Rooting against job creation. Rooting against a booming stock market. Rooting against employee bonuses. Angry about the lowest black unemployment ever. Angry about the lowest Hispanic unemployment ever. Angry at the lowest female unemployment in 18 years. 

They openly frowned, grimaced, groaned and looked sick to their stomachs when President Trump celebrated the American flag…the national anthem… American freedom… and American opportunity. Bizarre. Self-destructive behavior.

But wait it gets worse. Democrats appeared to be on the side of murderous MS-13 gangs. When Trump touted legislation to help stop gang violence, drug dealing and murder by vicious MS-13 gangs…and when Trump introduced the parents of two young girls murdered by MS-13 killers…Democrats booed and groaned. 

Democrats clearly believe discussing murders by illegal aliens is “racist.” Democrats clearly believe Trump has to be Hitler or KKK to publicly admit there are people of color (gasp) murdering innocent Americans. This was the second worst moment of disconnect in American political history.

Now to the single worst disconnect ever. Amnesty-loving Democratic Congressman Luis Gutierrez WALKED OUT upon hearing chants of “USA, USA!” It was too much for him. He appeared to be on the verge of tears. Democrats consoled him. To Democrats, it’s now “racist” to love your country.

The Democrats’ performance at the SOTU was shocking. Because if they had an ounce of common sense they could at least act like they love America, act like patriots, act respectful to parents of kids murdered by illegal alien gangs. Any sane politician would have acted civil - just to fool enough voters to win elections. Not these Democrats. They suffer from TID - “Trump Insanity Disorder.” They are on tilt. Trump triggers them to acts of self-destruction. They’ve lost their minds.

Turn out the lights. There is no one left to support the Democratic Party we saw on Tuesday night, except for illegal aliens, radicals, Marxists, felons and welfare addicts. 

A booming economy is a step backwards to this group. The American flag is something to be ashamed of. God is a curse. And job creation is a sin. It's clear they are the party that wants to “MAKE AMERICA MISERABLE AGAIN.”

This was the night the Democratic Party committed political suicide."

 Ætli RÚV flytji margar fréttir af því að Bandaríkjamenn séu ánægðir með árangurinn í efnahagsmálum þó að hlutabréf hafi fallið í verði á Wall Street í gær? 

Demokratar misstu sig yfir góðum fréttum.

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1 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

97 percent  Republicana líkaði ræða Trump’s . 

72 percent óháðra líkaði hún.

Furðulegra er að  43 percent af Democrötum líkaði hún. 

Allt í allt 75 percent af Amerikönum líkaði ræðan. Og  það yfirþyrmandi var að  8 af 10 finnst að  President Trump væri að reyna að sameina þjóðina frekar en að kljúfa hana. Tveir þriðju sögðu að ræðan hefði látið þa´finna fyrir stolti. 

Þetta eru niðurstöður könnunar CNN.


Halldór Jónsson, 6.2.2018 kl. 21:45

2 Smámynd: Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson

Horfði og hlustaði á ræðu Trumps, hún var frábær. Ég get tekið undir með Wayne Allyn, það var furðulegt og reyndar sorglegt að fylgjast með þingmönnum Demókrata, þeir urðu sjálfum sér til minnkunar, sem er að vísu ekkert nýtt.

Um leið og allt er á uppleið frá því Trump tók við eru Demókratar á fullu að reyna að grafa upp drullu til að klína á Trump í stað þess að taka höndum saman með honum og vinna að heill þjóðarinnar. Þetta er ótrúlegt.

Tómas Ibsen Halldórsson, 7.2.2018 kl. 14:45

3 Smámynd: Valdimar Samúelsson

Já ræða trumps var frábær en skríðið að fréttamiðlar settu ekki út á það aö hann notaði sumt sem var beint úr ræðu Obama. 

Valdimar Samúelsson, 7.2.2018 kl. 14:57

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Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

verkfræðingur, flugdellukall, tennis-og badmintonspilari

-ekki góður í neinu af þessu-



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