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í bardaganum við COVID-19 og ekki síður við krabbamein.


Mount Sinai Health System and Harbour BioMed (HBM) have entered into a multi-year, multifaceted collaboration to develop novel, fully human antibodies for the treatment and prevention of various diseases including oncology and immunology.


Illustration of the morphology of coronaviruses (Credit: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAM)

The collaboration will also utilize the H2L2 Harbour Mice® platform to generate monoclonal antibodies against the coronavirus SARS CoV 2 – COVID-19 (commonly known as COVID-19). These fully human monoclonal antibodies could be used therapeutically for people who have been exposed to the virus, or prophylactically for individuals with a high risk of exposure, such as healthcare workers. The antibodies have the potential to prevent spread of the virus by blocking infection of cells.

“We are pleased to be able to collaborate with HBM at this time and leverage our experience in therapeutic antibody generation as well as the viral expertise of the Microbiology Department with the unique human antibody producing mice from Harbour,” said Professor Thomas Moran, PhD, Director, Center for Therapeutic Antibody Development (CTAD) at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.

“This is a unique collaboration that will give HBM access to Mount Sinai’s innovative research driven from its clinical practices. The agreement demonstrates HBM’s commitment to develop novel medicines and foster fast-track innovative research. We will push the boundaries of science and the development of new medicines that will ultimately translate into better treatments for patients,” said Jingsong Wang, MD, PhD, Founder, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of HBM.

“The relationship with HBM is yet another opportunity for Mount Sinai to develop new treatments for significant diseases and conditions,” said Erik Lium, PhD, President, Mount Sinai Innovation Partners. “This work will bring Mount Sinai’s innovation ecosystem one step closer to the drug development process.”

Spurningin er hver þá verður á lífi eins og séra Jens ´Setbergi sagði í bráða-neftóbaksleysi sínu rúmliggjandi og aðframkominn þegar honum var sagt að nú sæist til sendimanns með neftóbaksbirgðir  frá Stykkishómi. 

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Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

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