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Alex Epstein

bar vitni fyrir þingnefnd bandaríska þingsins þann 30.júní s.l.vegna fátæktar á Porto Rico sem er gerð verri vegna andróðursins gegn jarðefnaeldsneytinu.


  • "Thank you for the honor of testifying before this committee. What I will say today may shock many of you. My views on energy are indeed unconventional, but I hope you will hear me out with an open mind since we share the same goal: a prosperous and flourishing Puerto Rico."
  • "I want to make the case that the one thing that will most help the people of Puerto Rico lift themselves out of crushing poverty is the thing many of you believe should be eliminated: low-cost, reliable, fossil fuel energy."
  • "For just a brief moment, I’d like to ask all of you to close your eyes. I’d like you to imagine an ambitious young Puerto Rican woman -- I’ll call her 'Mia.' Mia studied hard at the Emilio Delgado High School in Corozal."
  • "Mia's passion is Artificial Intelligence and she dreams of working at a high tech startup. Sadly, opportunities are sparse because many companies have fled Puerto Rico--and many more avoid it--due to high-cost and unreliable energy."
  • "Mia applies for a remote job at a Silicon Valley tech incubator, but during her interview, the electricity suddenly cuts out. The screen goes blank. She hopes it comes back quickly, but hours go by with no Internet as she waits in the sweltering heat with no AC."
  • "Think of Mia’s despair in those moments. Think of how much low-cost, reliable energy could have helped her when she needed it most."
  • "I know that every member of this committee shares the same goal I do: a healthy, prosperous and flourishing Puerto Rico. In order to help millions of talented and passionate people like Mia, we must look carefully at the full context of facts about Puerto Rico's energy options."
  • "Here are 3 crucial facts that I almost never hear discussed about Puerto Rico. First, the % of Puerto Ricans currently living in poverty is 43%. It's 10% in the states. Second, the cost of energy in PR vs the states is up to 3X higher. Third, per capita income in PR is $13K."
  • "Honorable members, does it strike you as fair that someone earning $13,000 per year should be paying 3 times what you and I pay for the energy that powers our homes? I don’t think that’s fair. And I’m sure you don’t either. So what’s the solution?"
  • "While we are told that solar and wind can provide low-cost, reliable energy, nothing could be further from the truth. Because solar and wind are unreliable, they don't replace reliable power plants — they add to the cost of reliable power plants."
  • "The more wind and solar that grids use, the higher their electricity prices. German households have seen prices double in 20 years due to wasteful, unreliable solar and wind infrastructure. Their electricity prices are 3X ours — which are already too high due to solar and wind."
  • "The only way for Puerto Rico to get low-cost, reliable electricity anytime soon is using low-cost, reliable fossil fuel energy sources like natural gas and coal--along with some massive regulatory reforms I discuss in my written testimony, such as scrapping the Jones Act."
  • "We owe it to the people of Puerto Rico to give them the full context--the benefits and drawbacks of all their options. This includes recognizing any real coal ash problems, but also recognizing that there are many solutions that don’t require shutting down power plants."
  • "Giving the people of Puerto Rico the full context also includes recognizing that fossil fuels' CO2 emissions do impact climate. But it also includes being precise, not hysterical, about that impact."
  • "As I explain in my written testimony, there is climate change, but not a climate crisis--and certainly not one that justifies condemning generations of Puerto Ricans to endless poverty by denying them low-cost, reliable fossil fuel energy."
  • "The stakes could not be higher. I think about Eladia Dávila, who was breathing with the help of a mechanical ventilator. During prolonged blackouts, her ventilator shut down and, tragically, she died. Her autopsy noted plainly that a ventilator 'does not work without power.'"
  • "Ladies and gentlemen, nothing works without power. Not ventilators. Not incubators. Not farms. Not schools. Not the millions of brave and passionate people who want to provide for their families and live lives of dignity and opportunity."
  • "You have it in your power today to help Puerto Ricans gain the power--the low-cost, reliable power--they need to escape crushing poverty."
  • "I hope that any of you who are interested in this mission will join me on a fact-finding trip to Puerto Rico in the coming weeks. We will have an honest, open discussion with Puerto Rican energy experts--who are too often left out of important policy discussions like this one."
  • "I would be honored to work with all of your offices -- Democrat and Republican -- to help the people of Puerto Rico flourish. I look forward to your questions. And thank you again for the opportunity to share my perspective with you."
  • You can read my full submitted testimony here: https://energytalkingpoints.com/alex-epstein-congressional-testimony-for-june-30-2021/

Þeir sem eru slæmir í ensku geta þýtt þetta með google translate.


En Alex Epstein hefur margbent á á þá staðreynd að mannkynirð er algerlega háð jarðefnaeldsneyti til fæðuframleiðslu. öLL fæðuöflun engu fyrir olíu og kolum. Það er glæpur gegn mannkyni að breyta maís í íblödnunarefni og láta Íslendinga flytja þetta inn til að gera bensínið sitt óhagkæmara fyrir fátækt fólk þessa lands.

Fylgist með Alex Epstein sem er ókostaður boðberi ssannleikans um jarðefnaeldsneytið sem stendur höllum fæti gegn loftslagtrú hinna 40.000 fífla í París.



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1 identicon

Það er nokkuð langt seilst, jafnvel af kostuðum heimspekingi eins og Epstein, að ætla að kenna orkuverði um rafmagnsleysi sem varð þegar fellibylurinn Maria rústaði dreifikerfi raforku á Puerto Rico 2017.

Alex Epstein er kostaður af Koch bræðrum, kola og olíuiðnaðinum og hefur mætt fyrir þingnefndir fyrir þeirra hönd.    https://act.myngp.com/el/-lydId77kEKau7Cw5POg_xTaTjdpKWeNjkgG5u0-aNM=/vPs-_brrIVAIX89ZpBJVRj4XsTAymIhaEbhPZcHxlVQ=     

Epstein hefur einnig gert lítið úr Covid. En viðbrögð stjórnvalda við Covid voru mikið högg fyrir olíuiðnaðinn. --  Epstein in a podcast compared the coronavirus to the seasonal flu and said “the purpose of the government is not to extend people’s lives. It’s to leave us free to live our lives as we judge best.” --  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/may/21/groups-fossil-fuel-funding-urge-states-reopen-amid-pandemic

Vagn (IP-tala skráð) 2.7.2021 kl. 18:39

2 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

Ég er ekki viss um að Kerran sé trúverðugri en Epstein sjalfur sem segist vera óháður olíuiðnaðinum. En sjálfsagt er að kanna allar hliðar.

En enginn veit hver eða hverjir dylja sig á bak við þetta rógbera nafn Vagn sem toppar alla aðra athugasemdaliða í skítlegu eðli og illgirni í garð alls og ekkerts. Hvort þetta sé flokkur dópista eða opinberra starfsmanna.Hann þorir allavega ekki úr fylgsninu heldur vegur úr launsátri. 

Halldór Jónsson, 3.7.2021 kl. 14:17

3 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

Hann Vagn er greinilega vinstri öfgamaður og hatar Sjálfstæðisflokkinn og mig ekki hvað síst. En hann er stundum vel upplýstur og ekki vitlaus og því umber ég hann.

En meira óþverra innræti en hann sýnir hef ég ekki kynnst á blogginu. Hann er alveg einstakur að skítmennsku og uppsöfnuðu hatri á  öllu í þjóðfélaginu sem lesendur hljóta að sjá. Sumir segja að hann sé flokkur manna en ekki ein persóna.

Halldór Jónsson, 3.7.2021 kl. 14:22

4 identicon

Talandi um skítmennsku og uppsafnað hatur, hefur þú lesið eigin skrif? Oftast læt ég mér nægja að taka mið af þínum skrifum og ganga ekki lengra, benda þér á villur og rangfærslur og upplýsa þig þar sem þekkingu skortir.

Værir þú eitthvað bættari þó ég segðist vera Bjarni Benediktsson og ég berðist hatrammlega gegn fáfræði, fordómum og fávitaskap hjá félögum mínum í Sjálfstæðisflokknum? Athugaðu fyrri skrif og þú munt ekki finna neitt sem segir að ég hati Sjálfstæðisflokkinn. Skoðaðu svo eigin skrif um aðra flokka.

Vagn (IP-tala skráð) 3.7.2021 kl. 15:01

5 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

 Allt sem Kerran tilfærir gegn Alex Epstein sýnist mér vera óröktuddur rógur byggður á rakalusum fullyrðingum.

Halldór Jónsson, 4.7.2021 kl. 10:52

Bæta við athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.


Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

verkfræðingur, flugdellukall, tennis-og badmintonspilari

-ekki góður í neinu af þessu-



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