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Kína og Norður-Kórea

eru að verða hættulegustu ríki jarðar.Kínverjar eru með fyrirgang á Kínahafi sem Bandaríkjameönnum mislíkar.Norður-Kórea er villimannaríki með brjálaða einræðisstjórn. Slíkt ríki er óútreiknanlegt.

Innan Bandaríkjanna er talað um að Kjarnorkuvígbúnaðurinn þurfi á styrkingu að halda.Mattis dregur líklega ekki úr þeirri umræðu.

Svo segir í "The Washington Free Beacon":

"China flight tested a new variant of a long-range missile with 10 warheads in what defense officials say represents a dramatic shift in Beijing's strategic nuclear posture.

The flight test of the DF-5C missile was carried out earlier this month using 10 multiple independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs. The test of the inert warheads was monitored closely by U.S. intelligence agencies, said two officials familiar with reports of the missile test.

The missile was fired from the Taiyuan Space Launch Center in central China and flew to an impact range in the western Chinese desert.

No other details about the test could be learned. Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. Gary Ross suggested in a statement the test was monitored.

"The [Defense Department] routinely monitors Chinese military developments and accounts for PLA capabilities in our defense plans," Ross told the Washington Free Beacon.

DF-5C launch

DF-5 launch

The test of a missile with 10 warheads is significant because it indicates the secretive Chinese military is increasing the number of warheads in its arsenal.

Estimates of China's nuclear arsenal for decades put the number of strategic warheads at the relatively low level of around 250 warheads.

U.S. intelligence agencies in February reported that China had begun adding warheads to older DF-5 missiles, in a move that has raised concerns for strategic war planners.

Uploading Chinese missiles from single or triple warhead configurations to up to 10 warheads means the number of warheads stockpiled is orders of magnitude larger than the 250 estimate.

Currently, U.S. nuclear forces—land-based and sea-based nuclear missiles and bombers—have been configured to deter Russia's growing nuclear forces and the smaller Chinese nuclear force.

Under the 2010 U.S.-Russian arms treaty, the United States is slated to reduce its nuclear arsenal to 1,550 deployed warheads.

A boost in the Chinese nuclear arsenal to 800 or 1,000 warheads likely would prompt the Pentagon to increase the U.S. nuclear warhead arsenal by taking weapons out of storage.

The new commander of the U.S. Strategic Command, Air Force Gen. John Hyten, stated during a Senate confirmation hearing in September that he is concerned about China's growing nuclear arsenal.

"I am fully aware that China continues to modernize its nuclear missile force and is striving for a secure second-strike capability," Hyten told the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"Although it continues to profess a ‘no first use' doctrine, China is re-engineering its long-range ballistic missiles to carry multiple nuclear warheads and continues to develop and test hyper-glide vehicle technologies," Hyten added.

"These developments—coupled with a lack of transparency on nuclear issues such as force disposition and size—may impact regional and strategic stability and are cause for continued vigilance and concern."

The 10-warhead missile test comes amid heightened tensions with China. State-run media in recent weeks has carried reports calling for China to expand its nuclear forces. A broadcast report showed that new long-range mobile missiles could strike the entire United States.

The Chinese state television channel CCTV-4 last week broadcast nuclear threats, including graphics showing new DF-41 missiles deployed in northern China and graphics showing the missiles' strike path into the United States. The Jan. 25 broadcast included a graphic of a 10-warhead MIRV bus for the DF-41."

Kínverjar eru farnir að skaka vopnin. Norður-Kórea er ekki langt frá þeirra áhrifum. þeir geta beitt þeim fyrir sig til að auka á spennuna, Trunmp er búinn að segja að það gerist ekki að þeir komi upp öflugum árásaravopnum.Illskiljanlegt er að Kínverjar geti séð fyrir sér kjarnorkustyrjöld með sinn íbúaþéttleika sem er margfaldur miðað við Bandaríkin.

En það er margt sem er erfitt að skilja þegar Kína og Norður-Kórea eru annars vegar.

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1 Smámynd: Jón Þórhallsson

Þess vegna hljótum við alltaf að vera að sporna gegn stækkandi asíu- & asíufólki hér á landi.

Jón Þórhallsson, 31.1.2017 kl. 18:43

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