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Protesters gather near the Minsk Hero City Obelisk in Belarus on Aug. 16 to protest the results of last week's presidential election, which are widely seen as fraudulent.

Valery Sharifulin/Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Belarus on Sunday in what appeared to be their largest demonstration yet against the widely-disputed reelection of President Alexander Lukashenko.

Lukashenko, who has been labeled "Europe's last dictator," first took office in 1994 and staked his claim to a sixth term after declaring a landslide victory in the country's election last Sunday. Opponents immediately condemned the results as rigged, and a wide cross-section of citizens have been calling for change at protests every day since.

An especially massive crowd gathered in the capital of Minsk to participate in a "Freedom March" on Sunday. Many were dressed in red and white, the colors of the opposition.

Images and videos posted on social media captured the scale of the demonstrations in Minsk: Independence Square packed to the brim, with cheerful crowds waving the opposition flag.

There was no official count of the crowd size, though the sweeping demonstration appears to be the largest in the country's history. The Associated Press reported that as many as 200,000 people turned out in Minsk.

The protests dwarfed a pro-government rally held there earlier i


Protesters gather near the Minsk Hero City Obelisk in Belarus on Aug. 16 to protest the results of last week's presidential election, which are widely seen as fraudulent.

Valery Sharifulin/Valery Sharifulin/TASS

Tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Belarus on Sunday in what appeared to be their largest demonstration yet against the widely-disputed reelection of President Alexander Lukashenko.

Lukashenko, who has been labeled "Europe's last dictator," first took office in 1994 and staked his claim to a sixth term after declaring a landslide victory in the country's election last Sunday. Opponents immediately condemned the results as rigged, and a wide cross-section of citizens have been calling for change at protests every day since.

An especially massive crowd gathered in the capital of Minsk to participate in a "Freedom March" on Sunday. Many were dressed in red and white, the colors of the opposition.

Images and videos posted on social media captured the scale of the demonstrations in Minsk: Independence Square packed to the brim, with cheerful crowds waving the opposition flag.

There was no official count of the crowd size, though the sweeping demonstration appears to be the largest in the country's history. The Associated Press reported that as many as 200,000 people turned out in Minsk.

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1 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

Kallinn Lúkasjenkó hefur tekiđ undir međ mér međ ađ bjóđa upp á ađrar kosningar. Af hverju ekki ađ taka ţví bođi og stoppa vitleysuna?

Halldór Jónsson, 18.8.2020 kl. 11:40

2 identicon

Myndirnar sýna "ALŢJÓĐASAMFÉLAGIĐ" í hnotskurn. ÍSLENDINGAR eru EKKI tilbúnir í ţennan leik ALŢJÓĐASAMVINNU. NEI. Viđ erum komnir á ŢOLMÖRK. 

Fámenni ÍSLENDINGA grćđir EKKERT á "ALŢJÓĐASAMVINNU" varđandi sölu á ÓMENGAĐRI framleiđslu BĆNDA,SJÁVARÚTVEGS og GRÓĐURHÚSA í hekturum taliđ, međ sanngjörnu rafmagnsverđi.


Viđ eigum "SÖLUMENN" og afreksmenn utan ALŢINGIS, sem gćtu selt ÓMENGAĐAR afurđir OKKAR í hćstum verđum ERLENDIS.

GÍSLI HOLGERSSON (IP-tala skráđ) 18.8.2020 kl. 16:08

3 identicon

Ég veit lítiđ um löggćslu, lögregluna á Suđurnesjum. Ég fell alltaf fyrir Landinu OKKAR, sögunni sjómennsku og LANDAFUNDUM.

Ég mćri Dómsmálaráđherranum ÓLÖFU ÖRNU SIGURBJÖRNSDÓTTUR međ hiđ nýja embćtti ÓLAFS HELGA KRISTJÁNSSONAR lögreglustjóra varđandi MÁLEFNI á NÝJUM LANDAMĆRUM fyrir ÍSLAND. ŢJÓĐIN var gáttuđ á gömlu landamćrunum viđ MIĐJARĐARHAFIĐ samkvćmt esb SCHENGEN.

Gerum ţađ BESTA fyrir LÖGREGLUNA, LÖGGĆZLUNA og VEGABRÉFA skođun alla til ÍSLANDS. SÖGUEYJAN á betra skiliđ en ESB og Norđurlöndin. ÍSLAND er "helg" ađ margra mati.

GÍSLI HOLGERSSON (IP-tala skráđ) 19.8.2020 kl. 13:28

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

verkfræðingur, flugdellukall, tennis-og badmintonspilari

-ekki góður í neinu af þessu-



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