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Fossil Fuels Still Supply 84 Percent Of World Energy — And Other Eye Openers From BP’s Annual Review

Robert Rapier

This week BP released its Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. The Review covers energy data through 2019, and provides a comprehensive picture of supply and demand for major energy sources on a country-level basis.


This annual report is one of the most important sources of global energy data. It is a primary source of data for numerous companies, government agencies, and non-government organizations.

As I do every year, following the Review’s release I analyze the data, create graphics, and try to provide a unique interpretation. I strive to find hidden gems or overlooked facts in the data.

Today I want to cover the major highlights of this year’s Review.

Primary energy consumption grew by 1.3% last year, which was less than half the rate of 2018 (2.8%). Nevertheless, this still represents the 10th consecutive year that the world set a new all-time high for energy consumption.

This week BP released its Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. The Review covers energy data through 2019, and provides a comprehensive picture of supply and demand for major energy sources on a country-level basis.


This annual report is one of the most important sources of global energy data. It is a primary source of data for numerous companies, government agencies, and non-government organizations.

As I do every year, following the Review’s release I analyze the data, create graphics, and try to provide a unique interpretation. I strive to find hidden gems or overlooked facts in the data.

Today I want to cover the major highlights of this year’s Review.

Primary energy consumption grew by 1.3% last year, which was less than half the rate of 2018 (2.8%). Nevertheless, this still represents the 10th consecutive year that the world set a new all-time high for energy consumption.

84 % af heimsorkunotkuninni kemur frá jarðefnaeldsneyti.

Hvernig ætlar Katrin Jakobsdóttir að breyta þessu hjá okkur  í baráttu við loftslagvána?

Er hún ekki bara í ekki í bardaga við  vindmyllur eins og hann DonKíkóti?

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Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

verkfræðingur, flugdellukall, tennis-og badmintonspilari

-ekki góður í neinu af þessu-



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