Using Trimer-Tag© technology, Clover successfully produced the subunit vaccine in a mammalian cell-culture based expression system on 10 February. The company also identified antigen-specific antibody in the serum of fully recovered patients who were previously infected by the virus.

A highly purified form of the S-Trimer vaccine is expected to be available in six to eight weeks for performing pre-clinical studies. The company is equipped with in-house cGMP biomanufacturing capabilities to scale-up production if the vaccine is proven to be successful.

Clover is also collaborating with GSK to develop a vaccine using the latter’s pandemic adjuvant system.

Það virðist vera að virusinn skilji eftir sig eitthvað ónæmi þegar hann hefur herjað sem manni finnst vera góð tíðindi ef sönn reynast.

En það er mikil starfsemi í gangi um víða veröld. En þetta allt tekur tíma. Því er vonandi að takist að tefja fyrir útbreiðslunni eins og nú er reynt eftir föngum að gera.

Það er vonarglæta í stríðinu.