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Pútín stakk títuprjóni

í Trump þann 16. september. Hann sagði að Rússar gætu selt Saudi Aröbum loftvarnakerfi, S300 og S400 sem þeir hefðu selt Iran. sem gæfu mannvirkjum þeirra fullkomna vernd.

Varla gat hann ekki strítt Trump meira en þetta sem ekki getur verndað bandamenn sína betur en þarna varð á raunin.

Verður ekki að láta á það reyna hversu góð þessi kerfi eru?

Hvernig tekur Trump svona lævísri títuprjónsstungu frá Pútín?

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1 Smámynd: Halldór Jónsson

It was a masterful piece of trolling by the czar of trolls – a snide, disparaging jibe with an element of truth twisted into absurdity for maximum effect and laughs. At a joint press conference with his Turkish and Iranian counterparts in Ankara on Monday, Putin cast his bait into the volatile Persian Gulf region just days after devastating attacks on Saudi oil facilities exposed the limits of the Gulf kingdom’s expensive defense systems.

“We’re ready to help Saudi Arabia to protect their people,” said Putin, flanked by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Iran’s Hassan Rouhani. Ensconced in a front-row seat, Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran’s jovial foreign minister, grinned expectantly, waiting for a weaponised Russian joke.

Zarif was not to be disappointed.

Referring to the Saudis, Putin continued: “And they need to make a clever decision, as Iran did by buying our S-300, and as Mr. Erdogan did by deciding to buy the most advanced S-400 Triumph air defense systems from Russia,” he added with a smirk.


“These kind of systems are capable of defending any kind of infrastructure in Saudi Arabia from any kind of attack,” finished Putin, as Rouhani convulsed with giggles and even the normally dour Erdogan broke into a smile.

As a ripple of laughter erupted across the room, Rouhani jokingly asked Putin which system would he recommend, the S-300 or the S-400? “They can choose,” he replied.

Putin’s barb was aimed at multiple targets, including the failure of the US security shield, President Donald Trump’s policies in the region and Washington’s reputation as an undependable ally.

It hit the mark with the precision of a guided weapon, which analysts and observers were quick to note on Twitter.

“Amazing   in a summit with two of Saudi Arabia’s archrivals in the region, Putin says Riyadh should buy Russia [sic] air defense to protect its infrastructure against any attacks. All while the Iranian foreign minister & president are giggling,” tweeted Hassan Hassan, author of “ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror”.

Halldór Jónsson, 18.9.2019 kl. 18:41

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Halldór Jónsson
Halldór Jónsson

verkfræðingur, flugdellukall, tennis-og badmintonspilari

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